niedziela, 31 maja 2015

Trzeba mieć szacunek w rozmowie

Lou jest wspaniałym człowiekiem. Uczestnicy pikniku (kliknij jeśli chcesz przeczytać o wydarzeniu) mieli możliwość chwilę z nią porozmawiać.  Zdziwiło nas to, że nie odpowiadała "sucho" tylko na pytania, ale też sama nawiązywała rozmowę. Pytała nas o szkołę, o projekt i o przyszłość.  Dzięki jej bijącemu optymizmu i serdeczności szybko nawiązałyśmy kontakt.  Była to dla nas taka mini lekcja "jak prowadzić rozmowę". Słuchała nas z zainteresowaniem,  i widać było, że nie wiele przejmuje się tym ,że czasem  brakowało nam jakichś słówek. 

Oto fragment naszej rozmowy:

-Where are you from?

 - I come from France, from suburbs of Paris.

- Why did you move to Poland?

- I moved to Poland because of the job. I applied for in Google, which was in this country. I had to choose between Ireland and Poland, and I went to Poland also because I wanted to discover this country, so it was a business choice.

- When was that?

- It was 8 month ago.

 - Are you going to come back to France for the Holidays?

-Yes, I miss my family, so when I've got few free days I go to visit them.

- When you came to Poland what differences made you surprised?

-There are two huge differences. In Poland I observe that people are not shy but they are less expressive than French people and they are more quiet. In Poland people are following the rules so for example they do not cross the street if it's red, and in France we do this all the time.

- Do you like Wrocław?

- I like this city because it is not big like a capital and there is not a lot of people, but at the same time you can do many things. You can feel that everything is very close to you- you can walk or bike everywhere.

- What's your favorite polish food?

- Actually I think that pierogi are the best! 

- We agree with you! Can you understand a little bit in polish?

-No. I just know the basic words like: dziękuję, dzień dobry, przepraszam, do widzenia.

- Can you say something in Polish for our readers?

- Of course!

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